as you are/soaked in bleach (2017)
Choreography: Jenna Riegel in collaboration with the dancers Performance: Genna Mattana, Jenna Riegel, Emma Rumberg
Music: Biosphere, Sam Crawford, Murcof, Nirvana
Dances by Dancers of the Bill T. Jones/ Arnie Zane Company
Jack Crystal Theater, New York University, New York, NY
standing (2016)
Choreographed and performed by Jenna Riegel, Sam Asa Pratt and Amadi Washington
Music: Mike Wall
Dances by Dancers of the Bill T. Jones/ Arnie Zane Company
Jack Crystal Theater, New York University, New York, NY
Another 77¢ (2015)
Choreographed and performed by Jenna Riegel    Â
Music: Edith Piaf, sounds of factory, sounds of typewriter     Â
Dances by Dancers of the BTJAZ Company
Jack Crystal Theater, New York, NY
as you are/as i want you to be (2018)
Choreography: Jenna Riegel in collaboration with the dancers
Performance: DeaDrean Baker, Thao Duong, Erin McMaster, Jordan Pratt, Gayle Rocz, Kennedy Rolfes
Music: Sam Crawford, Nirvana, Mike Wall
Evenings of Dance
Johnny Carson Theatre, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
The White Whale, The White Wail (2014)
Directors: Caitlin Scholl, Simon Thomas-TrainÂ
Choreographers/Composers/Performers: Caitlin Scholl, Simon Thomas-Train, Jenna Riegel, Lea Fulton, Emma Judkins, Emma Wiseman, Richard Vaudry, John Mosloskie, Branic Howard, Justin Allen, Christina Robson
Elizabethtown, NY
The Space We Make (2012)
Directors: Caitlin Scholl, Simon Thomas-Train
Choreographers/Composers/Performers: Caitlin Scholl, Simon Thomas-Train, Jenna Riegel, Lea Fulton, Emma Judkins, Emma Wiseman, Sophie McGuire, John Hoobyar, Hanna Satterlee, Richard Vaudry, John Mosloskie, Branic Howard, Justin Allen, Kathryn Wilson, Betsey Thomas-Train, Suzie Doolittle, Christina Robson
Recovery Lounge/ Upper Jay Arts Center, Upper Jay, NY