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"Even when one cast member was the main portrayer of a character, like Jenna Riegel in her stunning performance as Dora, other cast members would periodically take on the voice of that character for a few lines of dialogue." -Claire Fishman, Washington Square News
Performance: Services
Performance Excerpts (2011-2018)
Bill T. Jones/ Arnie Zane Company (2011-Present)
Daara Dance (2007-Present)
The Space We Make (2012-2017)
Bill Young/ Colleen Thomas & Dancers (2009-2011)
Alexandra Beller/ Dances (2008-2011)
David Dorfman Dance (2007-2011)
Tania Isaac Dance (2009)

Performance: Gallery

music videos
Performance: Services
tumbleweed (2015)
by Dagmar
lightning in a bottle (2014)
by Eli Lieb
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